πŸ’¦ Symlinked My Mac’s batteryπŸ”‹ on Google Cloud Monitoring β€” send SMS if low πŸͺ«

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[HUGO] Taking a train to City Airport, my fav airport in London

This article shows how you can easily inject a generic key/value into Google Cloud Monitoring and set up alerts on it. I use it to alert on disk space, and now also low battery!

This morning I was in London, and I forgot my charger at home. With plenty of time but πŸͺ« little battery, I thought: hey! I need to have a way to predict when my battery is low! And I need to do it in a totally overkill way!

[Medium] Setting a ⬣ Cloud Build trigger with 🧹Pulumi in 🐍 Python

The Original article here: https://medium.com/google-cloud/setting-cloudbuild-with-pulumi-in-python-330e8b54b2cf A couple of weeks ago, I fell in love with Pulumi. it has everything I wanted from Terraform: easy to set up, easy config management, a nice UI for free, and most importantly… language Support! Pulumi is the...