The Original article here:
A couple of weeks ago, I fell in love with Pulumi. it has everything I wanted from Terraform: easy to set up, easy config management, a nice UI for free, and most importantly… language Support! Pulumi is the best invention after Buffalo Pizza and has only a problem.. no Ruby support :/
Anyway, I’m so in love with ⬣ GCP (which happens to pay my salary, I got to admit), Cloud Build, Cloud Deploy, and in general CI/CD pipelines on Google Cloud that I wanted to give it a try. Googling “Cloud Build Pulumi” I got to this nice article for JavaScript, which is not in my chords.
The code
My code is here:
Note: 👍 Code is finally building correctly. Yay!
What is so special about the code?
The code allows any Pulumi project you might have on GCP (in Python 🐍) to set up a trigger to self-update. A push to the git repo will trigger a build job which — if successful — will login as yourself to Pulumi and issue an update with the new code.
So if, for instance, you commit a change that adds a GCS bucket to the code, in a couple of minutes that GCS bucket will be created and the will be updated with builder parameters:
My code supports Github (as is) and Bitbucket (code 99% there as it was working first!) for the moment.
I’ve also customized the message as per Laura article, prepending a “[built with Cloud Build]” to the git message (”slash N fix”, in this case):
What does Pulumi mean?
I’ve been trying google Translate, it looks like it might mean broomstick (🧹) in hawaiaan or Burma (🇲🇲, now Myanmar). Until then, I’ll use the first emoji, until someone proves me wrong.
Edit: my friend Aaron from Pulumi confirms broom and points to this article.
Next steps
My 📝 for the future includes:
- Having proper password/state setting on GCP via HSM or GCS.
- Transform into a module so whichever pulumi project you might have you can just invoke this code with 4–5 variables (github user, github repo, pulumi buidl directory, credentials, ..). I still need to see if this is viable also cross-language (non🐍).
Original code (Cloud Build + Node.js):
My code (python):